National Park

Trekking & Canoeing

A full-day tour to discover the beauty of some secret places of Tierra del Fuego.

A fun and active visit to places hidden in plain sight, away from the crowds.

Key Details:

Reaching the end of the Pan-American Highway , from within Lapataia Bay, is a unique experience.

Lunch and drinks included
Available in open groups
and in private, exclusive services!

How to book from abroad

* 30% discount for children aged 5 to 11


At a short distance to the West from the city of Ushuaia, the adventure of canoeing easily down a river, through a lagoon and inside Lapataia Bay adds an unforgettable experience to the series of low to medium difficulty hikes (3 hours in total) to visit the National Park main attractions.

At noon we will have a good lunch with drinks in a panoramic and serene place. During this day of interaction with Nature, it is possible to learn about natural history, ecology and about the first inhabitants of Tierra del Fuego during a first-person exploration of this paradise at the End of the World. 

We suggest wearing high-top hiking boots for ankle stability.

We recommend:

Comfortably, and reassured by specialized canoeing guides with all the adequate safety measures, we will discover from the canoes all that is beyond the reach of any other program. This fun and adventurous experience is a favorite of passengers from all over the world since 1998!


8:30am to 4:30pm *

*08:30 - Departure from the hotel towards the National Park

At around 10 km West from your accommodation in Ushuaia, and close to the Beagle Channel, the forest and mountains of Tierra del Fuego National Park await us.

*09:20 - Paying the entrance fee (not included)

After paying the entrance to the National Park (not included), we will reach Ensenada Bay, in front of Redonda Island.

*09:30 - Walk along selected paths in the National Park

The series of low to medium difficulty hikes should not represent a challenge to exercise fans with the appropriate clothing and footware. 

Marine coast and forest: for a little over 3 hours, the guide shines while offering lots of information, that enhances and amplifies our contact with Nature.

Each day, the National Park changes its appearance with the almost unpredictable whims of the weather at this uttermost part of the Earth.

*12:30 - Arrival to the Lapataia River and Lunch.

At a panoramic place, away from the usual hubbub of conventional tourism, in a heated, comfortable and very spacious refuge, its high time for lunch!

Main course: Lamb stew. Wine, soft drinks. Dessert, coffee & tea. We offer menus for vegetarians and coeliacs if requested in advance.

*13:45 - Acigami Lake. Technical talk & preparation to board the canoes

Along with providing you with rubber boots, pants covers and life jackets, we will give you good advice on how to safely enjoy a very relaxed activity.

From Lake Acigami (known as Roca Lake for a short time), we will have a unique experience canoeing down the Lapataia River, through the Cormoranes Archipelago and across the Laguna Verde (Green Lagoon)

Exploring the landscape from within, our tour remarkably expands the limits of the National Park towards otherwise inaccessible areas.

The guides will tell us the stories that, at this time of the activity, become first-hand experiences, in the place where they still resonate.

*15:15 - Arrival to Bahía Lapataia lookout.

Those who choose to enjoy the unique view of Bahía Lapataia from whithin recommend our tour since our first start in 1999! Those who do not wish to reach Bahía Lapataia very much like the Yámana did, will reach the end of the Pan-American route by vehicle.

*15:45 - We start heading back...

With the views of Nature, and its colors that vary between October and May, we reached the end of the most comprehensive tour of Tierra del Fuego National Park with a view of Lapataia Bay.

This natural adventure ends at your hotel or at any other place downtown, after providing an unforgettable approach to Tierra del Fuego National Park: Acigami lake (ex-Roca), Archipiélago Cormoranes, the Lapataia and Ovando rivers, Laguna Verde and the sea, at Bahía Lapataia.

*  Approximate hours. The order and time of the activities may change as the tour develops.
The weather and / or the terrain conditions might render some of the activities impossible, but this occurrence has seldomly been reported.

Lunch and drinks included
Available in open groups
and in private, exclusive services!

How to book from abroad

* 30% discount for children aged 5 to 11

We can make this experience a “tailor-made trip”! With the exclusive attention of guides specialized in serving any number of passengers from all over the world, we can adapt the itinerary and the activities to your prefence.